Soccer out of bounds rules

Are you looking to take your soccer skills to the next level? Knowing the soccer out-of-bounds rules is essential for any soccer player who wants to become a master on the field. By learning soccer out-of-bounds rules, you’ll be able to move confidently around the soccer field. Keeping control of the ball and ensuring that your team works together to take home the win.

 Either you’re a beginner or an experienced soccer player.  It’s important to understand these rules inside and out so that you can play like a pro.

Soccer out of bounds rules

What are the soccer out-of-bounds rules?

The rules dictate when and where a soccer ball can be touched or moved. If the soccer ball goes out of bounds during play, it is not allowed to be brought back in by any player except for the goalie. In addition, the soccer ball must remain in bounds on all sides of the field at all times.

What is out of bounds in soccer?

Out of bounds in soccer is an area outside the soccer field that’s marked by a line. It limits where players can touch or move the soccer ball during play. The out-of-bounds line typically runs along the sideline, goal line, and end line boundaries of the soccer field. If any part of the soccer ball touches this boundary.

Boundary touch is considered out of bounds and must be restarted. Players are also not allowed to touch the soccer ball with their hands if it is outside of these boundaries. Soccer out-of-bounds rules dictate when a soccer ball can be played back into the field by any player. But in the case of the goalie, it’s exceptional.

If a soccer ball goes out of bounds. It must be restarted from the spot where it left the field. Soccer out-of-bounds rules also dictate when a soccer ball is kicked into touch or out of play. A throw-in is taken to put it back into play by throwing it from the spot at which it went out.

What happens when the ball goes out of bounds in soccer?

If a soccer ball goes out of bounds. The team that last touched it loses possession and the other team is awarded a throw-in or kick. The soccer ball must then be restarted from the spot where it left the field. During a throw-in, the soccer ball is thrown into play by any one player.

 During a kick, the soccer ball is kicked into play by any one player on the team. In addition, soccer out-of-bounds rules also dictate that if a soccer ball goes out of bounds off an opposing player during play.  It may be restarted from that spot or a corner or goal kick may be awarded.

 If a soccer ball goes out of bounds off a player on the same team, it must be restarted from the spot where it left the field. By understanding the rules soccer is out of bounds. You can confidently position yourself properly and work towards becoming one of the best soccer players on the field

Corner kicks

In soccer, corner kicks are awarded when the soccer ball goes out of bounds off an opposing player. A corner kick is taken by any one player on the defending team. They have the opportunity to shoot at the goal or pass it to another teammate who can then shoot. Corner kicks are a great way to create scoring opportunities.

To take a corner kick, soccer out-of-bounds rules dictate that the soccer ball must be placed within one yard of the corner arc.  All the players except for the kicker must remain outside the penalty area until the soccer ball has been kicked. The soccer ball is then in play once it is kicked and has moved.


A throw-in is awarded to the other team when the soccer ball goes out of bounds off a player on the same team. During soccer out-of-bounds rules, a throw-in can be taken by any one player from their team. To take a proper throw-in, soccer out-of-bounds rules dictate that both feet must remain in contact with the ground. Both hands must be on the soccer ball. And the soccer ball must be thrown from behind and over the player’s head.

By understanding soccer out-of-bounds rules, you can ensure that your throw-ins are executed properly and that possession stays with your team. Throw-ins are a great way to get back possession of the soccer ball and restart play.

Goal kicks

A goal kick is awarded to the defending team when the soccer ball goes out of bounds off an attacking player. During soccer out-of-bounds rules, a goal kick can be taken by any one player from the defending team. It must be kicked from within the penalty area. The soccer ball is in play once it has been kicked and has moved outside the penalty area.

By understanding soccer out-of-bounds rules, you can use goal kicks to quickly restart play and take possession back from the opposing team. Goal kicks are a great way to kick-start your attack. So make sure you know soccer out-of-bounds rules and use them to your advantage.


Is a soccer ball out of bounds in the air?

Yes, a soccer ball is considered out of bounds when it completely crosses either the sideline or end line and goes into the air. If a soccer ball goes over the sideline or end line while still in play. Then it is awarded to the other team depending on which side it went out from.

What is the out-of-bounds rule in soccer FIFA?

If a soccer ball completely crosses either the sideline or end line and goes into the air.  It is awarded to the other team depending on which side it went out from. If a soccer ball goes off an opposing player, then a corner kick is taken by any one player on the defending team. If a soccer ball goes off a player on the same team, then a throw-in is taken by any one player from the other team. If a soccer ball goes over the end line and was last touched by an attacking player. It is awarded to the defending team as a goal kick.

Can a soccer player step out of bounds?

Yes, soccer out-of-bounds rules allow a soccer player to step out of bounds while still in possession of the soccer ball. However, if a soccer player steps out of bounds, then the soccer ball must immediately be given to the opposing team. This soccer out-of-bounds rule is in place to ensure fairness and prevent soccer players from taking advantage of being out of bounds.

Does a soccer ball have to touch the ground to be out of bounds?

No, soccer out-of-bounds rules state that if a soccer ball completely crosses either the sideline or end line and goes into the air, then it is awarded to the other team depending on which side it went out from. This soccer out-of-bounds rule applies regardless of whether or not the soccer ball touches the ground.

By understanding soccer out-of-bounds rules, you can confidently jump into any soccer match and make sure that your team


By understanding soccer out-of-bounds rules, you can confidently jump into any soccer match. You can make sure that your team is always playing within the boundaries of the soccer field. These soccer out-of-bounds rules can help ensure that you’re always in a position to launch an attack or protect your goal.

Knowing these soccer rules will also let you take advantage of goal kicks and throw-ins. so make sure you know soccer out-of-bounds rules and use them to your advantage.

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